The Big ONE!
When baby becomes 'toddler'...
Recently Rosie has turned one.Even typing it out feels strange, how can my little 6lb 3oz baby be one? A whole life changing year has passed and your sleepy tiny baba has turned into a raging toddler right before your very eyes. You spend so much time planning for a newborn that it may come of a bit of a shock when they are all of a sudden shoving their Peppa Pig birthday cake into their mouth with their hands and looking in bewilderment that everyone keeps giving them colourful boxes to open. Where does it go?
I think that because you now have a point of comparison, that this time last year they were so weeny and now the same date a year later they are diving off the sofa and pulling all the magnets off the fridge, it just kinda just starts to hit you. The actual taking care of them completely changes. For instance, no more sterilisation thank goodness, I think one more go of the steriliser and it would have sterilised my brain along with it. True, im experienced in the ways of how to settle her, how to bath her etc, all them terrifying things when you are a new parent, but as soon as you grow comfortable, they change and now I'm learning a whole new set of things like how to teach her to use cutlery,constantly shouting no when they try to put their little hands into the sockets or stands up in the bath. But thats parenting, every single step of the way they change and grow, and I love seeing her grow so much. I think I love this age the most so far. Rosie's understanding of the world around her is really starting to show and it's just magical to see. Newborn baby cuddles are amazing, but now when Rosie runs up to me and flings her arms around me (however brief it may be) I know she's chose to do it, and that makes it even more special.
Its the old cliche, time goes too quickly. Its scary to think that this time next year she will be turning two, and then we are into proper toddler terriroty, then its a hop and skip until they go to school and then basically they've grown up and moved out, thats kinda how it feels sometimes anyway. I feel like im in some new type of elite Mum group now, like some how im more of an experienced parent, since I now have a toddler, even though I’m really not!
I got excited when she learnt to drink from a straw, I nearly cry everytime she waves at me and says mama. I love seeing her little face when she experiences new things such as running up to the ducks in the park.
My partner turned to me the other day and said how weird is it that Rosie has lived this day before? It really makes you look back on your time as a parent and how far you've come. I feel like we've done it, we've managed to survive the 'baby bit' and we are ready for the toddler years. But no matter how old she gets, when I stop and really look at her I see that tiny 6lb baby in my arms and know she will always be my baby girl.
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